The Xcalibur machine has been in development for the last 5 years and is the latest addition to the AscensionEnergyprogram now comprised of 5 separate technologies under one basic subscription price.The Xcalibur Magnetic field Generator is based on the Dotto Ring technology that was developed in the 1970?s by Giovanni Dotto as an Age Reversal Device. It mimics and amplifies the frequencies found in the Hunza valley in Northern Pakistan, where the inhabitants as opposed to the citizens live up to 150 years according to more legends. The original Dotto Ring was a big bulky Thermo-couple that generated a magnetic field with both heat and cold at the same time on a copper-nickel ring that would move vertically up and down. The magnetic field would increase the replication rate of cells and also re-grow the telomeres the aging clock of the bodies cells. The frequencies of 1.9Mhz-2.1Mhz, Dotto claims triggers DNA replication. Dan Winter claims that more Gravity=Life, charge compression through the heart chakra leads to an increase in life force energy. Christ would describe it as going the eye of the needle of zero point energy without the attachments to the physical plane. You are on this world but not of this world. Essentially, you live in overlapping realities at the same time. Magic is a function of living in the higher planes and being anchored in the lower planes at the same time. more 5D than 3D in attitude and actions. The process of moving through ascension is essentially accumulation of energy which could also be described as an increase in magnetism or the aura. The concept of the halo is a visible aura emitting from a person that has become holy or unified. Esoteric religion describes and teaches the use of Quantum mechanics, String theory and the Grand Unified Field theory application to become an ascended being, someone that moves out of time and becomes immortal beyond the effects of entropy. Age Reversal, I believe is a pre-cursor to becoming an ascended being. It will show up in the physical body as a sign of Youthing. If it is not, you are probably not as evolved as you think you are. The wage of sin is death after-all, which is simply a dissolution of the physical body and a failure to alchemize or fire the DNA coding.This machine produces a magnetic field over 10x as strong as the planetary magnetic field. My hypothesis is that the garden of eden had magnetic anomalies that were much stronger that is currently available and was the main reason for the average lifespan of over 1000 years reported in the bible. The garden of Eden was a heavier gravitational environment. Nuclear radiation has degraded our DNA through unhealthy mutations. Essentially genetics is a function of consciousness, higher evolved beings have longer DNA strands. There are functions within the junk DNA, that when fired with magnetic charge are rearranged and will lead to much extended lifespans. My contention is that this can be achieved in this lifetime with the use of Bridge technologies such as the Xcalibur Magnetic Field Generator.
The Reader’s Digest is that Gravity=Life. More gravity=More Life or Negative Entropy or Anti-aging. Dotto studied an area in Northern Pakistan called the Hunza valley where the average lifespan was over 120 years old. Most people attribute the longevity of the Hunza’s to the food and the water found in that particular area. Dotto discounted this as the reason for the long lifespans. Dotto said the region contained magnetic anomalies not found anywhere else in the world. The Hunza valley has a unique juxtaposition of a mountainous glacier area next to a hot valley. Dotto states that it is the thermal unbalance of the region that creates a magnetic field stronger than the surrounding area.
The original Dotto Ring is a Thermo-couple that creates a hot and cold magnetic field equivalent to 5X the field strenght of the Hunza valley. According to the legend, Dotto reversed people’s age over 20 years. The premise is that the device created magnetic induction or energy transfer directly into the DNA. The DNA is a spiraling coil like a caduceus, as you age the coil shortens and tightens as a function of conservation of energy.
The DNA bases are proteins that hold magnetic charge like a battery. The proteins convert the magnetic energy into electrical energy to run the processes of the cells. This is known as pre-natal chi by the Chinese. The Chinese system believes you have a limited amount of pre-natal Chi and that once it is exhausted you die.
The RNA is on both ends of a DNA base, as the cells replicate pieces of the RNA are lost. The RNA strands shorten until they are too short to communicate to the DNA to split.
This essentially is also death from a western scientific point of view. In addition as the DNA coil shortens and tightens electrical impedance increases. Electricity is harder to run through the DNA coil. The replication process slows down as impedance increases. As you age you notice, you do not have as much energy and you need to sleep more. The feeling that people are growing younger around you and that you are growing older is another function of loss of energy within your genetics. The Bible has stories of people living for close to 1000 years old. We live for approximately 120, why the difference?
On Wed afternoon, June 15th, 2011; 30 minutes before the full lunar eclipse, I heard a knock on the door and a clump outside the door as boxes were being dumped on the floor. It was like a scene out of the matrix, the Xcalibur machine had arrived
The Xcalibur Magnetic Field Generator has more flexibility than the original Dotto Ring and is much smaller and more portable.This is the second generation device, the first one I had briefly in the summer of 2007 for six months. That device could only be run for about 15 minutes at a time before it would over-heat. Even with the limitations of the original device, I noticed during that brief period that both my eye color and hair color changed from hazel to blue and auburn to a brighter red.
The Xcalibur Magnetic Field generator has three settings, the Dotto Ring frequencies 1.9-2.1Mhz, the Schumann resonance 7.83hz which is the planetary field and a external music subliminal function, where there is a microphone that will pick up either external music or a IPOD or a MP3 player. The Music/Subliminal function then converts the music into a magnetic field. Russian studies have shown that DNA can be re-programmed with common language. This is the best device on the market that I am aware of for DNA activation and can be used re-motely as a radionics device. I have added it to the and it is being included in the price of a general subscription. You could say it is a sum total of all my experiences over the last 21 years, starting with my relationship to Preston Nichols of the Montauk Project fame. The few experiences that people have had with the machine so far are a sense of timelessness and a return to innocence. There is a feeling that life is again unlimited in potential similar to one had in youth. The Xcalibur magnetic field generator is the beginning of a new world and is the latest addition to the AscensionEnergyProgram.
Click link for a brief video on the Xcalibur Magnetic Field Generator Age Reversal Subliminal